Posts tagged invisalign
Invisalign (Clear Aligners)

This treatment involves wearing a series of clear, removable plastic trays like a thin mouthguard that straighten your teeth like braces. Small attachments of tooth coloured dots on the teeth may be used in conjunction with the aligner trays. Patients find brushing and flossing easier as the trays can be removed to eat, drink and brush teeth.  However Clear Aligner wearers must be strongly disciplined about wearing their aligners for at least 20-22 hours per day in order for treatment to work.  Invisalign or other aligner companies is generally a more expensive option than traditional braces. We do have the option of printing our own 3D models with our Asiga 3D printer for aligners to be made in house. This is an economical option for straightening teeth however it is only suitable in mild crowding or minor cases.

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Nick Ippolitoinvisalign